John Walsh plans to name names to get bill named after son reauthorized

Frustrated by the gridlock in Congress, John Walsh is headed back to Capitol Hill. And this time, the former longtime “America’s Most Wanted” host says he’s ready to name names in order to get lawmakers to reauthorize a bill named after his son. Full Article

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Why does the bill need to be reauthorized? Does it have an expiration date or ?

This law, like so many others, should be allowed to expire. If possible, its expiry should be expedited.
Kidnapping people, murder, and so forth were illegal long before John Walsh and his law came along.

Oh Mr. Walsh you poor man. It is time to realize that the act named after your son has done little or no good in preventing crime. Your influence on the justice system should no longer go unchecked, you should be forbidden from any involvement with the center for exploited and missing children (which is a shady organization on its own), and for once in your excuse of a life you sir ought to be forced to meet all the people adversely affected by the flawed policy you continue to defend. At best John you are a sly SOB with a very twisted agenda under the guise of doing it all for the greater good, but at worst you want vengeance and that just makes you evil.

Let it dry up on the vine.

The guy John Walsh is a bully and a thug. His Adam Walsh Act did more harm to the country and to the innocent than any other act in resent history. His son Adam has a lot to be ashamed of concerning his father. If he names names good because those people must have a great deal of constitutional courage! Vote for them and send them letters of encouragement.

Note: the comments following the article are worth reading.

Crime sometimes brings out the worst in people; why is it there are always a few people that have terrible things happen to them, and they think they have been “picked” to change the world or something, or they make millions of dollars and say it’s not about the money? John Walsh isn’t even “likable” from what I have seen, people just feel sorry for him, but that wears thin after a while. “They” think (they) are the only people that have problems? How long do you feel sorry for someone anyway, most people move on.

The circumstances about Adam’s kidnapping and murder seemed strange and prearranged. The kid goes to the toy section of the store, by himself. A teenage security person runs a bunch of kids, including Adam, out the store and Adam was kidnapped. The kid’s body was found without his head. This case needs to be forced open with focus on John Walsh without premeditation favorable to JW.

he’s ready to “name names”

is this another word for Blackmail?

I want to know what he means when they say reathourize.

Here’s a fun exercise: Bing Search “‘the actual F-word’ John Walsh” (note: Spell out the actual F-word.)
This a$$hat has a lot of enemies out there.
I hope Congress defunds that garbage dump of legislation once and for all!!!
Maybe it’s time we start calling our reps in Washington…

I can’t recall and currently have limited Internet right now.. butwasn’t his son’s death also his fault? He left his son alone? Or something to that effect?

How about Mr. Walsh name that underage girl he admitted to dating (and probably more). This whole thing sounds nothing more than blackmail. It would be nice if the politicians threw this back in his face. They could say “if we pass it, then you will have to be on the list due to your past relationship.” Don’t we want equality for all?

I fought for this country in two countries and proud of my service.A Navy diver isn’t easy work. If they asked me now, they could go to hell!. What happened to this country is a discrace. PTSD means nothing to people who never see their mind go to hell. But they can judge us? ***